Differences between Medical and Montessori

Differences between Medical and Montessori in language development:

Medical approachlistening→speaking→readingwriting
Montessori approach  listening→speaking→writingreading

In Medical approach:

“You can’t write what you can’t read”. That is considered how the human brain’s neural circuits work. In addition, “You can’t speak what you can’t listen.

In Montessori approach:

“Reading” is understanding the meaning of mass of letters, so recognizing shapes of the letters are not considered as “reading”. Writing” is a motor, which is a stage of development prior of to “reading” for that reason. 

Thoughts: Either order is fine if the end result is language development. 

Reminder: In order to see the exact level of the child’s language development,  language or developmental assessments should be taken by specialists.

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