Typical disorders that might affect “listening”:

Brief explanations of disorders above.
As a reminder: Phonological awareness problems is difficult to improve only by Montessori methods because of its symptoms and causes. And if the child has “hearing” problems (problems in hearing the volume or height of sound itself, rather than listening and understanding words), the child needs to see an otolaryngologist as a priority.
In Montessori, children are exposed to many sounds and words through music and storytelling as an introduction to the main language activities.
Picture books can be anything that is at their language level and intriguing to the child. Picture books can be bought, received as a gift, or borrowed from the library, and they can be both educational and memorable, so the picture books are cost-effective toys.
If possible, I recommend reading to the children with a stuffed animal or finger puppet doing a little play. It will keep their interest and help them understand the features of the characters. You can select picture books by what type of word or grammar you would like the child to learn.
A good place to start when learning colors can be “Color of His Own.”
“The Three Bears” is a good way to study the concept of comparison and the term “just right”.
Sentence is a group of words like noun, verb, adjective, adverb and preposition. Sentence cannot be made by single type of words. Normally, children start using nouns first, then verbs, adjectives. If the child is not used to adjectives, you can select a picture book which content concerns adjectives like big and small.
After reading the picture book to the children, ask their opinions about the story. For children who cannot yet speak well, it is also recommended that they express their memories through pictures and crafts.